Thursday 27 March 2014

She paid the bills

"All they had to do was put my name on a marquee and watch the money roll in."

"When I die, my epitaph should read: She Paid the Bills. That's the story of my private life."

"Nobody gets anything for nothing."

Gloria May Josephine Swanson (27th March 1899 – 4th April 1983)


  1. Gloria Swanson was Elinor Glyn's first protégé; it was Elinor's personal style that G.S. was copying in "Sunset Boulevard"

  2. "Madame is the Greatest Star of them all." Max von Mayerling knew whereof he spoke.

  3. The critics at one time called her 'swansong' when her career ebbed, did she prove them wrong in Sunset Boulevard. Her character is one of the most memorable in film history, for that alone she should have been awarded an Oscar. -Rj

    1. She was up against both Bette Davis and Anne Baxter for Best Actress that year for the equally brilliant All About Eve. Who won it? Judy Holliday [hardly a lasting household name] for Born Yesterday [nope; no idea; never seen it]..!

      Proof, if any were needed, that there is, and always has been, no point whatsoever to The Oscars. Jx


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